Sometimes an image about Jesus’ life and or resurrection comes to mind and I’m inspired to draw. I also like to try other techniques with digital charcoal and graphite. I enjoy doing studies of work in this medium.

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Beloved Son

16 And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him;

-Matthew 3:16 ESV

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Rising Son

This piece has no scripture passage that inspired me to draw it. What inspired me was that He has risen! I was thinking about what Mary and a couple of the disciples would express when they saw Jesus after he had risen from the grave.

His Radiance - 2022

This piece also has no scripture passage that inspired me to draw it. What inspired me was His resurection. I was thinking about His Radiance after rising from the tomb.

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David’s Sling

When I was a soldier I would take to battle what I was going to use. So when I read about David and Goliath and what David took to battle I see him using a staff sling. Slinging bigger stones to crush bone.

Then he took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd's pouch. His sling was in his hand, and he approached the Philistine. (1 Samuel 17:40, ESV)

And the Philistine said to David, "Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?" And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. (1 Samuel 17:43, ESV)When I was a soldier I would take to battle what I was going to use. So when I read about David and Goliath and what David took to battle I see him using a staff sling. Slinging bigger stones to crush bone.

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Who Is This Man

The inspiration for the drawing of Christ was this poem I wrote a few months ago. If you want to see more of my artwork visit my website


I heard a story while I was lying; About a man who kept me from dying. As I kept drinking the story got better; about a book with some big red letters. This man told me; this man loved me no matter what. I said that’s impossible because I've done this and that. But this man told me about a blood-stained tree and a body broken just for me. Who is this man Who broke his body for me! Who is this man Who bled for me! Who is this man Who died for me! Who is this man Who saved me! He is The Great I AM… I stole some food so I could eat and asked this man; this man I'd like to meet. Does he come around the shelter much or does he just show up to talk at lunch? This story you’re telling me sounds like a lie. That a man would be beaten, bleed, and die. So before I go out in the cold and walk to the shelter’s gym; if it’s true this man you speak of I’d like to meet and thank him. Who is this man Who broke his body for me! Who is this man Who bled for me! Who is this man Who died for me! Who is this man Who saved me! He is The Great I AM... So this man stepped out in the cold and walked with me to the shelter's gym; we talked some more and then I thanked him. Who is this man Who broke his body for me! Who is this man Who bled for me! Who is this man Who died for me! Who is this man Who saved me! He is The Great I AM…. Who is this man Who broke his body for me! Who is this man Who bled for me! Who is this man Who died for me! Who is this man Who saved me! He is The Great I AM… Jake - 9/9/2020

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Accuser in the Tenebrae project

This is a bald self portrait that I made for one of the accusers who was gnashing his teeth and tearing his clothes in anger.


Accuser in the Tenebrae project

The head of the Sanhedrin and the leader of the accusers.

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Accuser in the Tenebrae project

Another accuser and friend who sent me a reference photo to use for the drawing.


Accuser in the Tenebrae project

Another accuser and friend who sent me a reference photo to use for the drawing.

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Accuser in the Tenebrae project

Another accuser and a study in digital charcoal.


Accuser in the Tenebrae project

Another accuser and a study in digital charcoal.

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Accuser in the Tenebrae project

Another accuser and a study in digital charcoal.

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Accuser in the Tenebrae project

Another accuser and a study in digital charcoal.

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Accuser in the Tenebrae project

Another accuser and a study in digital charcoal.